Venus VivaTM is a non-surgical system with 2 applicators: one for skin resurfacing and one for wrinkle reduction*. The skin resurfacing applicator works with small pins that safely deliver energy through the skin’s surface. This creates tiny wounds, which the body then works to heal naturally. This process is what repairs signs of damage seen on the surface of the skin.

The wrinkle reduction applicator* also uses heat to naturally boost collagen production, something that slows down with age. This helps to restore a younger-looking appearance.

The Key Benefits Of Venus Viva
- Noticeably smoother, healthier skin
- More comfortable than traditional skin resurfacing treatments
- Low downtime — you can return to their day immediately afterward, and resume regular skin care routine after 24 hours
- Quick treatment sessions (30 minutes maximum)
- Safe for all skin tones

What About Wrinkle Reduction?
- Noticeably fewer wrinkles
- Pain-free treatments
- Absolutely no downtime
- Quick treatment sessions (30 minutes maximum)
- Technology that is safe for all skin tones

Before & After

Frequently Asked Question
The ideal candidate is anyone who shows signs of skin damage, including deep wrinkles, scars, visible pores, stretch marks, and/or anything else that affects the skin’s texture.
For safety reasons, you may not be able to get this treatment if you have/are:
• An Internal defibrillator/pacemaker or any other active electrical implant in the body
• Any permanent implant or injected substance around the treatment area
• Any active conditions in the treatment area (e.g. rash)
• History of skin disorders or very dry skin
• Current or history of cancer (including pre-malignant moles)
• Severe concurrent conditions (e.g. cardiac disorders)
• Pregnant or nursing
• An impaired immune system
• A history of disease around the treatment area that’s stimulated by heat (e.g. herpes)
• Poorly controlled endocrine disorders (e.g. diabetes)
• Taking blood thinners
• Had a face lift or eyelid surgery within the past 3 months
• Had any resurfacing treatments or chemical peels within the past 3 months
• Had any cosmetic injections within the past 2 weeks
• Consumed any Advil, Tylenol or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs within the past week of your treatment
• Any surgeries within the past 6 months
• Treating over tattoos or permanent makeup
• Excessively tanned
Yes. Venus Viva™ uses technology that’s safe for all skin tones, even darker ones.
Venus Viva™ treatments may be slightly uncomfortable, but not painful. You’ll feel intense heat, similar to the feeling of sunburn, and your face will look red right after the treatment. For more aggressive treatments, you may get a topical numbing cream to reduce any discomfort.