Consistent exposure to UV light can cause the skin to age prematurely. The damage can be visible or invisible, affecting the skin structures. Visible damage, meaning age spots or pigment changes, are darker pigment spots than surrounding skin.
They mainly appear on skin surfaces most exposed to the sun, such as the face or hands, and many people wish to have them removed or reduced. Sun damage can also affect your skin without any visible (to the naked eye) signs but can leave a mark in the deeper layers of your skin.

CLARITY is a very versatile laser that can be adjusted to every patient’s individual needs. It delivers specialized nanosecond laser energy to reduce visible skin pigmentation. As a result, CLARITY not only improves uneven pigment but can also reduce the appearance of textural irregularities and fine lines.
The laser energy gently penetrates tissue heating it up and targeting melanin within cells. The damaged melanin is then removed via your bodies natural healing process.
You will probably notice that the pigment darkens slightly while your body works to remove the pigment. The CLARITY treatment is very gentle and, as a result, multiple passes can be used to effectively and safely treat even pigment lying deep within the skin.
How Many Treatments Will You Need?
It’s hard to tell. Treating pigment within tissue is a gradual process that requires multiple sessions to produce effective, long-lasting results. The number of sessions required depends on the severity of your condition.
Your treatment specialist will recommend a treatment course that is right for your condition. Typically it takes between 1-3 treatments for best results.